How to Get Into University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Science as a Transfer Student

Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences

Transferring to a new university tin exist an exciting only daunting procedure. The College website and advising system volition assistance you to make this transition equally smoothly as possible.

As before long as you lot commit to coming to Penn, you should take a look at Getting Started: Step-by-Step (below) and kickoff working on the items in the list.

Incoming transfer students will receive a welcome message by mid-June from the College, which will include the proper name and contact information of their pre-major advisor. This message will exist sent using the Hub, the College's online secure messaging awarding. You will receive an email indicating that you have a new message in the Hub; click on the link and log in with your PennKey to read information technology.

As soon as you take your advisor's data, it is recommended that you schedule an engagement, to talk over your bookish goals, the credit transfer process,  and registration for the fall semester.


The Higher Curriculum

The curriculum will be your academic guide throughout your undergraduate career.

  • Gear up your PennKey.
  • Create an SAS email business relationship.
  • By mid-June, you will receive a welcome message from the College with the name of yourpre-major advisor as well as data on how to make an date with that person. We recommend you set a fourth dimension to speak with your advisor as soon as possible.
  • Read information about Transferring Credit. Enter credit requests on XCAT. After 2 weeks, yous may follow up with the credit evaluators in any departments that have non yet reviewed your requests.
  • Incoming transfer students with junior class continuing only: If yous have entered a asking for writing credit, contact the Critical Writing Plan to schedule the required diagnostic essay.
  • View Math for Transfer Students. If you plan to accept a calculus form at Penn and did not have calculus at your previous institution, hash out with your pre-major advisor the possibility of taking the Math Diagnostic Placement Exam.
  • Investigate the tools and resources available to assistance you explore courses.
  • Review and understand the registration process.
  • Log in to Penn InTouch and begin using the Grade Search and Mock Schedule functions to program your fall coursework.
  • When yous feel you are ready, use Penn InTouch to register for fall courses. You should practise so before July 17.
  • Yous volition receive the name of a peer mentor from the Transfer Student Arrangement. Be sure to communicate with your peer mentor over the summer and enquire whatsoever questions you lot have nigh the transition to Penn.

Making the Transition to Penn

Of import Information and Policies

Students who transfer to Penn as juniors are eligible to asking transfer credit for a writing seminar. The Critical Writing Program's website will help students determine how to fulfill the Writing Requirement and whether credit from a previous institution is likely to be applicable.

If non yet completed, students should plan to fulfill the Language Requirement as soon as possible. Language department websites provide data nigh placement exams offered in September for students who plan to proceed with a previously studied linguistic communication and/or receive credit for language courses taken at their previous institution.

Transfer students who come to Penn with sophomore standing will have one total semester before they are asked to declare their major. It is expected that nearly volition exist able to declare the major at the standard time (March of sophomore year). In the first semester, exploration should exist the top priority. Students should browse the websites of prospective major departments for more detailed information of requirements and prerequisites.

At least half of the courses satisfying the major requirement must be taken at Penn.

  • Only the department or program advisors make up one's mind which credits transferred from another institution can count toward the major.
  • At least half the course units in the major must be taken at Penn. Some departments require more.

In order to be eligible for Penn equivalent credit, courses taken at a transfer student's previous establishment must accept earned a grade of C or improve. If the course was taken on a pass/fail (or credit/no credit) footing, Penn credit may all the same be awarded.

Transfer students should review the pass/fail or credit/no credit policies of their previous institution: if a P or CR represents a grade of not less than a C, it will exist possible to award credit pending approval in XCAT. If, however, a P or CR at the previous institution can represent a class lower than a C, the transfer educatee should contact the instructor of any course taken this way and ask that person to confirm that the student earned a grade of C or better. This confirmation should be forwarded to the educatee's College advisor as confirmation that the credit is eligible for transfer.

Calculus courses fall 2021

Prior College Math Courses

Transfer students who took a math course at their previous college or university should speak with their bookish advisor about the proper placement in a math course at Penn. Placement may depend, in part, on the approval for transfer credit received from the Math section via XCAT.

Starting Math at Penn

Students who did not take a math form at their previous college or university and plan to exercise so at Penn should run into the post-obit guidelines for determining placement.

  • Students whose high school math curriculum did not provide them with the necessary foundation in algebra and trigonometry should consult with their Higher counselor before continuing with a calculus course.
  • The Math section provides an online Math Diagnostic Placement Exam for any educatee who wishes to determine the proper level of calculus course to take. Transfer students wishing to take this placement exam should let their College advisor know as soon equally possible, so that they may exist given access to the exam.
  • Students who have had little or no calculus in high schoolhouse, or who took AB Calculus but scored poorly on the examination, should have MATH 1300 to set themselves for MATH 1400. Students who took AB Calculus in high schoolhouse and did well on the exam should register for the Calculus I grade, MATH 1400.
  • Students with A.P. credit for MATH 1400 may cull to proceed in the calculus sequence by enrolling in MATH 1410. Not all students will need to accept a second semester of calculus; when in dubiety, consult a pre-major or section advisor.
  • Students who are interested in math or science might also desire to consider a more challenging honors version of Calculus, MATH 1610 and MATH 2600 (the analogues of MATH 1410 and MATH 2400). These courses will cover the cloth more in depth and involve discussion of theory besides equally computations.

Transfer students who take questions apropos their class standing should contact the Office of Admissions. Questions concerning the curriculum should be addressed to an academic counselor in the Higher Office.

Students who transfer to Penn with junior continuing are non eligible to apply for a dual caste plan or for semester study abroad programs.


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